Full Day Fungi Forage & Gourmet Cook
Date 22nd September, then click on the time
Course Description
Course Date 22nd September In collaboration with a gourmet chef we are putting our skills together and creating a full day experience immersing into some of West Sussex's finest Mushroom Foraging habitats and indulging in Gourmet Wild Food. On a full day forage & gourmet cook we will go on a foray through fungi habitats renowned for a variety of choice edible and medicinal fungi. The course will be focused on Mushroom Foraging, we will also be foraging for plants for the Chef to work with for our gourmet meal. The chef for the day is TBA, typically we have Michelin standard chefs, occasionally some who have featured on TV on programs such as Masterchef. They are always carefully chosen and have plenty of experience cooking with wild food. We will be using simple keys to compound the knowledge which will enhance your lifetime foraging experience by giving you the skills to identify fungi and anticipate what species of fungi you will find when out foraging in your own locations by being able to understand the environments you are in. It will enable you to safely mushroom hunt like a pro and find specific fungi by targeting the unique ecosystems they thrive in, this is the stuff they don't teach in the books! The walk is expected to last for 4 hours with 2 hours of cooking and demonstrations. Under 18's are half price, please email to book under 18's.
Contact Details
Worthing, UK